Success Story

"Banco di Desio e della Brianza S.p.A" is an Italian bank with its headquarter placed in Desio (MB). Its branches are situated in Lombardy and its subsidiaries can be found in Tuscany, Lazio and Veneto. In 2014, being acquired by Banca Popolare di Spoleto, The Banco Desio group possesses a network of around 280 branches in 10 regions in center and North Italy.

Improve the internal communication and law compliance.

The "Banco di Desio e Della Brianza" turned to Interlem in order to make more effective the coordination between the various responsibility areas and to reduce the quantity of time and required resources to be compliant with the D. Lgs. 231/01 requirements.

The project consisted in the implementation of the Interlem platform Control Communication Manager able to manage communication between the headquarter and the entire employee body regarding the temathics of the D. Lgs. 231/01.

The platfowms allows to open a communication area sharing the relevant documents. The employees, noticed by mail, enter inside the area and download the documents confirming the fact that they have read them. The project was the direct consequence of a consistent paper saving and working days spent in order to collect the required firms.

We’re a "PMI Innovativa (PMII)"
We’re a PMI Innovativa (PMII)
Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe