Interlem Digital Business

The web is an infinity source of inspiration and opportunities for all the subjects, such as companies and inviduals, that are able to feel the stimuli and hints that the big world wide web is able to offer. Being able to exploit these opportunities requires the possess of solid and proven technological and business competencies, while remembering that the key is to stay hungry and stay foolish.

Interlem Digital Business is born in 2012 in order to open the Interlem Group to the digital business world. During the years it has been able to widen its line of offer, starting from website realization and arriving today as Digital Partner for the typical Made in Italy producers that want to create a strategy that takes into consideration the online distribution channel.

Today the Interlem Digital Business action area ranges from digital and strategic consultancy to the design of e-commerce platforms, arriving to define strategis and integrated plan of digital marketing.

Some of our customers

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe