Accelerate the Digital Innovation

to stay competitive in this new business and economic environment

Today, companies need intelligent systems that, integrated with the most innovative technologies, can foster new business models, a competitive advantage and full control of corporate governance even in critical moments.

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SEA: Milano’s airports flight with the Air-il-CRM

The airport’s non aviation business takes flight with Interlem CRM

Changing the focus of an entire industry from aviation activities to non aviation ones requires a complete reevaluation of the internal organization and business logics.

In order to allow the management to meet the changing market’s need, you must use innovative technological tools.

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Interlem guides you towards simplification with SAP S/4HANA

If we simplify everything, we can do anything. Interlem and SAP can help you to streamline the processes with the world's most innovative platform, so you have the agility to create new growth opportunities for your business.

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SAP Solution

SAP Solutions

For more than 15 years Interlem Group has been helping italian companies to adopt the leader solutions fo the Enterprise market. Competencies, passion and professionality are the basis of our system integration approach.

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Predictive Analytics

Predictive Analytics

It is no more sufficient analyze and monitor the past and the present of your business. Companies of various dimensions and industries require, now more than ever, instruments that allow them to understand the information underlying the data and to find the future pattern of the market trends.

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Business Analytics for the Energy Industry

For multi-utility companies and moreover for all the energy industrial sector, the analysis and the comprehension of the phenomena concerning the production and energy distribution has become a very important trend. The market proposes everyday many different solutions and technology that allows to meet the need of knowledge of this industry. Easiness of use, completeness of analysis and information punctuality are the requirements that Interlem considers essential to offer solutions able to match the challenges expressed by our clients.

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Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Attention and care to customers is the key to success for any business. Interlem specializes in the design and development of custom CRM solutions and in the implementation and customization of major market platforms.

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Mobile Solutions

Mobile Solutions

Tablet and smartphones changed the way in which we work and consume goods and services everyday. The Mobile Economy offers enormous possibilities to those who are able to exploit them, developping applications coherent with the customers expectations and the infinite way they can be implemented with the current technology.

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Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe