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Mobile Engagement and Industry 4.0: a mine of data to explore

Interlem works on new analysis models to make the Internet of Things a real business for Italian companies.

According to data from the Internet of Things Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano, the Italian market stood in 2015 at a turnover of 2 billion euros, with a growth of 30% compared to the previous year.

Gartner analysts estimate that by the end of 2016 the devices connected to the network worldwide will be almost 6.4 billion, about 30% more than in 2015. The most surprising figure in the research conducted by the US company is that, in 2020, the number of "things" connected to the Internet will be 20.8 billion, a figure almost 3 times higher than the world population estimated by the OECD for the same year.

Also according to Gartner, in 2016 it was the industrial sector that led the Iot market, with an expenditure volume of about 868 billion dollars, against 546 billion in the consumer sectors. Although in numbers consumer devices dominate and will be destined to dominate the sector more and more, at the level of turnover the game is still played in the industrial markets.

There are at least two trends that are exploiting the most innovative Italian companies to ride the phenomenon of the Internet of Things. According to Giorgio Sironi, Interlem Partner, "the most frequent requests that we collect from the market can be summarized in two strands. The first concerns the desire of Italian companies to identify new methods to involve and stimulate the consumer within commercial spaces. Mobile Engagement are the key words, that is, the ability to leverage technologies and mobile devices to strengthen the experience and involvement of consumers with brands. "Talking" products among the supermarket counters that tell you their story, their origin or propose recipes and combinations, are today, thanks to our smartphones, a reality. Museums, exhibitions, exhibitions and commercial spaces could be, and in part are, enjoyed in complete freedom, outside the physical paths and predefined schemes, without losing the richness of content and feelings that they are able to convey. It is smartphones and tablets that allow companies to lead the user’s experience by proposing content and services in a relevant and contextual way to what the consumer sees and seeks in reality. In this way, users redesign commercial spaces, purchasing and consumption processes. Everything within the limits of the possibilities provided by companies thanks to new technologies. The second strand is related to the world of industrial plants and machinery, Industry 4.0 in the broad sense. It is a world that historically collects and stores the most disparate data and information. The challenge in this case is to find new ways to use this information and then to turn it into a value for those who produce it".

"What the Internet of Things lacks to become an invasive and disruptive phenomenon for Italian companies," says Massimiliano Riva, President of the Interlem Group, "is the capacity of the same, and their partners, to translate these millions of gigabytes of data that devices produce into useful information for business decisions and strategies, or even into real services that companies can sell to their customers, producing wealth and therefore transforming from manufacturing companies to real service providers. This is our challenge these months. With decades of experience in Business Intelligence, we are now supporting our most innovative customers in identifying new analysis models and new understanding schemes to transform simple data into value for companies and the market."

Interlem is an IT Company founded in 2001 in Milan that deals with Business Analytics, Iot, Enterprise Application and Digital Marketing. A young and dynamic environment that seeks in new technologies the engine to transform the Italian company.

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