Business Case

Analytics for Quality Control

Industry 4.0: the case of tyres

The world leader in tyre manufacturing has found Interlem an ideal partner to design a new Analytics model for Quality Control of production processes in its factories.


To obtain simple tools for consulting and reading defective data

Carry out analysis of defects detected on tyres

Conduct investigations on the different stages of the production process

To prepare a system of alert real-time that allows a timely participation on the productive cycle

The project has provided for the design of a system that, starting from the field data, detected directly from the machinery, allows to analyze nine different types of defects and to correlate them with the stages of the production process, as well as the machinery and operators involved in it.

The measures monitored are:

  • Radial Force Variation
  • Lateral Force Variation
  • Conicity
  • Balance
  • Radial Run Out
  • Lateral Run Out
  • Bump
  • Weight
  • Mold

The system analyzes in real time the production of more than 100 references (tire types) from all different production lines (Building Machine, Material Machine, Curing Machine, Test Machine, Builder) and thanks to a statistical model is able to correlate the cases of defectiveness with the machines and operators actually intervened in the production process, allowing the management to detect anomalies above the threshold levels accepted.

The articulated alert system completes the solution, allowing to alert production managers so that they can intervene promptly on the lines.

Technologies: SAS Visual Analitycs, SAS Enterprise Guide, Oracle DB Server

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