Success Story

Fondata a Chieti come Cari Chieti nel 1862, è uno dei primi istituti di risparmio e credito del Mezzogiorno. Nel 2014 viene commissariata dal Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, e posta in amministrazione straordinaria. Nell’anno successivo, Nuova Cari Chieti nasce in seguito alla liquidazione coatta amministrativa di Cari Chieti. Conta 65 filiali e 600 dipendenti.

Cari Chieti: new management, new control system

The receiver chooses Interlem

Being received at the end of 2014, the receiver duties consist into the Bank restructuring by overhauling and redesigning the entire control system and organizational chart. Interlem has been chosen as the ideal partner to reach this objective.

The projectual activities concerned the design of the new organizational chart, the survey of the operative modal. The project activities concerned the design of the new organizational structure, the detection of operational modes of work and the design of the integrated control system (Internal Audit, Compliance and Operational Risks) by activating management workflows.

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe