Success Story

SEA, Aeroporti di Milano, is the society that manages the airports of Linate and Malpensa, guaranteeing all the services and activities related to departures and arrivals, to the secutiry management, the luggage and passengers handling and the continuous development of the services toward customers and operators. The SEA group is between the first ten airport management society in Europe for traffic volumes, both in the passenger and goods sector, while in Italy can be found at the second place for passenger traffic and at the first for the goods one.

Parking Yield Management System

Dynamic and advance car parking pricing management tool

A relevant part of a airport revenue derives from the control and car park management placed in the surroundings of the airport station. Extracting the maximum value from this kind of activity requires to resort to complex Revenue Management techniques. SEA's objective is the one to maximize the revenues from this line of business and at the same time to normalize the usual demand fluctuations correlated to this kind of services..

Il progetto ha visto lo sviluppo e la nascita, in collaborazione con il management di SEA, della soluzione Pymas.
Pymas è il Parking Yield Management System di Interlem, una soluzione in grado di prevedere l'andamento della domanda di parcheggi grazie ad un algoritmo di Predictive Analytics e di procedere al pricing dinamico dei lotti venduti online tenendo conto di una serie di fattori quali, la stagionalità, gli eventi rilevanti, il benchmark sui competitor.

Advantages achieved

  • Extract the maximum value from each demand segment
  • Maximize the selling's revenue
  • Allocate the car slots in advance, reducing uncertainty
  • Saturate the maximum available capacity

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Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe