Success Story

Banca Popolare di Bari is the first banking group of South Italy. Founded in 1960 at Bari, the newtwork counts 254 branches and it's present in 12 Italian regions.

The framework for Risk Management and Internal Audit

Banca Popolare di Bari strenghtens its internal control system

In a new context of laws more and more strict, Banca Popolare di Bari felt the need to adopt a process management framework, to manage processes, operative risks, compliance and Internal Audit.

The project has been developed starting from the framework definition for the business process management. They have been measured and recorded in a complete way, starting from the operative activites to the controls of first, second and third level. In conclusion there was the definition and activation of these workflows:

  • Operative support in the creation of the internal regulation
  • Loss data collection
  • Audit activity management
  • Compliance tests
The project has seen the involvement of the following organization structures: Organization, Information and Comunication Technology, Compliance, Risk Management, Internal Audit.

We’re a "PMI Innovativa (PMII)"
We’re a PMI Innovativa (PMII)
Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe