Success Story

Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd is a global pharmaceutical companies that develops, produces and sells innovative equivalent drugs and active principles. As Today Teva is one of the 10 biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world and global leader in the production of equivalent drugs. It operates in 60 countries and has more than 46.000 employees.

Selling network management

Simplify and make automatic the provision acknowledgement towards the agents

Teva Italia, coherently with the company evolution, felt the need to implement the selling network with to have a system that allowed to manage and satisfy the new dynamics of the selling network, with a particular attention on the development and widening of forms and contractual modalities for the agent provision acknowledgement.

Interlem satisfied the Teva needs through the implementation of an Interlem solution Miltonia. The software is composed by different modules:

  • MiltoniaNett: base module for the information and agent management
  • Milimp Net: specific module for the importation of revenue data, clients, products master data, calculation logics behind the provisions and production data consolidation.
  • Milelab: module used for the administrative management of the agent. From this module you can obtain: the invoicing simulated and effective in name and number, funds and contribution ammount, stamps and reports
  • Milmail: module aimed at the e-mail communication of Miltonia produced reports

Advantages Achieved

  • Provision acknowledgement process improved
  • Direct dialogue portal with the agents on the territory
  • Creation of an archiviation system easy to use and coherent.
  • Elaboration error reduction.

We’re a "PMI Innovativa (PMII)"
We’re a PMI Innovativa (PMII)
Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe