
In the last 20 years the Airport industry has been subject to important changes. The operators shifted their focus from aviation and handling activities to non aviation ones, such as retail, restoration, media, real estate and car parking management. Competing in non-aviation activities requires an increased sensibility with respect to the market and the final users, such as visitors and passengers. In order to abilitate the business there is the need to use new tools and technologies.

Interlem was able to develop important experiences in the Airport industry, being partner with the main Italian player in the design of innovative solutions dedicated to the sector.

Our Solutions

From the collaboration with the main national operators, Interlem developed two vertical solutions for the airport industry.

Discover all of our solutions

Thanks to the ability to understand the market and the needs of its clients, Interlem developed a set of technological solution and software able to answer to the need and requests of your company.

Some of our customers

Success Stories

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe