Infrastructure Outsourcing

In this historical moment more than in the past, in order to support the technological necessities that the business requires and in order to be able to compete on the market, it is necessary to possess effective technologies, always updated, continuously monitored in a cost-efficient way

This requires high quality technological infrastructures and a costant professional assistance activity with respect to the final user.

Interlem offers a technological and innovative Data Center capable to supply your company with an articulate range of outsourcing services to manage with security and efficiency your informatic infrastructures.

Thanks to Interlem you will be able to free your company's resources from the structure management, improve your system's performance and guarantee to your management a simple and functional instrument to work efficiently and in harmony.

Our Services

Housing services

Your machines and your softwares at our house. Delegate in complete safety your infrastructure management:

  • Area dedicated inside the Data Center
  • Systems and Applications monitoring
  • Operating system and/or specific application deployment
  • Critic Data Backup
  • Machine and system maintenance
  • Perimetral protecion of the infrastructure
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity services
  • Systems analyst solutions

Cloud services

Software and services where you want and when you want. Having the possibility to use the best technologies has never been so fast and flexible

  • Security: Antivirus with centralized policy management and alert at client-server level.
  • Video Conference as a service through web-browser
  • Remote Backup
  • Google APP’s for Team Work (e-mail, calendar, "Drive" and online office instruments)

Hosting services

Our machines and our softwares at your disposal. Exploit the performances and the innovation of our infrastructure without the need to invest huge resources.

  • Physical hardware resouces: disk space (IAAS and dedicated storage)
  • Virtual hardware resources: virtual machines, storage and CPU
  • SAAS Software (Software as a Service)
  • Virtual and physical machine monitoring
  • Virtual and physical machine backup
  • Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity solutions
  • System Analysts services
  • Web Hosting services

Connectivity services

Your resources and your systems have never been so near.

  • Internet Acess
  • Video Conference as a service through web-browser
  • Private geographical networks, with MPLS, VPN, or point-to-point optical fibrelink.


Some of the main benefits:

  • Technologies always updated
  • Expert and timely technical assistance
  • Immediate availability of machine and disk resources
  • System monitoring H24
  • Systemistic support
  • Management cost saving
  • Fast intervention in the case of anomalies
  • Intranet and Extranet communication safety
  • Solutions designed and customized on your needs
  • Freed resources for your core business

Member of the Confederal System
Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza
Member of
ACI Europe